May 22, 2010

"The Red" Green Tea

Green tea with red-colored product labels.With a spoon image.Instead of making a green colored label, PD. Jembar Sawargi,the manufacturer from Cikalong Bandung West Java, actually make it red. What is the reason? I really don't know

teh hijau: gren tea
sendok: spoon
harum dan segar: fragrant and fresh 
Jembar Sawargi (Sundanese): as broad as heaven

May 20, 2010

Onion for Moslem's Cap

Songkok (indonesian) means: moslem's cap/ skull cap is very popular in Indonesia. Songkok had already become one of the complementary national dress. Moslems also used this cap for praying in the mosque. There are many home-industries that specialize in making the cap. Mostly are hand made. Here seen one of the cap product labels with pictures of onion/garlic. 

songkok exclusive: exclusive moslem's cap 
bawang putih: garlic

Why onion? What's exclusive? What's super? Don't ask me!

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