Dec 31, 2010

The Year of The Rabbits

We wish you Happy New Year 2011 with this graphical label: TAPE HANDAYANI from Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia. 'Tape' is traditional food made from fermented cassava. An alcoholic foods. Label with image of a cartoonal-rabbit. Silk-screened on thin paper.

We know that 2011 is the Year of  The Rabbit (Feng Shui) with the gold elements.  
Rabbits symbolize longevity, elegance, politeness, good advice, kindness and sensitivity to all forms of beauty. It is said that people born under the zodiac Rabbit will get an a peaceful life, peace, quiet and very pleasant. Quiet temperament, artistic and have a good rating. Deliberations could make a good scholar. He also can be brilliant in the field of law or government. But he also has feelings that tend to fluctuate or moody. In fact, at certain times he seems alienated from their environment or indifferent to other people.
Rabbit very lucky in business and financial transactions. He was shrewd bargain, and always able to come up with proposals or options that can be beneficial for him. Negotiate cleverness will surely accelerate its success in any career. While the common people up to make pursuit of its objectives, Rabbit knew very well that the world is still here tomorrow morning. So, why the rush? Why not sit down first? In fact, maybe he'll make the first for you and help you forget the crazy competition outside.

These peoples are rabbit residents :
Fidel Castro, Albert Einstein, Joseph Stalin, Queen Victoria, Ingrid Bergman, Bob Hope, Walter Mondale, Frank Sinantra, Prince Albert, Idi Amin.

Basuki Abdullah, Achmad Affandi, Ardiansyah, Mooryati Soedibyo, Tuti Indra Malaon, Harry Roesli, Ali Sadikin, Idris Sardi, Dono Warkop, Sudharmono, Amri Yahya, Gubernur Jateng Ismail, Tarida Hutauruk 

So, hopefully the new year brings joys and new fortunes...

Dec 28, 2010

Si Unyil vs Upin & Ipin

It seems still relevant when I post back this graphic label: SI MUNGIL. I can't wait for a tough game between Indonesia and Malaysia in AAF Suzuki Cup 2010, December 29th, at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, Indonesia

If Malaysian have Upin & Ipin, We are, Indonesian people have Si Unyil... 

Whatever the result we still love Indonesia! 
Our beloved country!

Dec 24, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2011

We wish You Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011 with these 2 graphical labels.
Pohon Cemara: Pine Tree
Kijang: Deer
Peace for all.
Let's spread the goodness of each other.

Dec 19, 2010

Unique Envelope

Graphic label for envelope's box. It's very unique. With picture of a traditional Javanese bride from Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. Complete with flower arrangements and a typical hair. Look at the expression of this bride. So many intepretations. 
Label printed (offset) on a thin paper, only in 2 colors: red & blue. 
putri solo: princess from Solo; sampul rapi: neat cover.

Dec 10, 2010

Jumbo Cracker

Mostly Indonesian people love to eat rice (their main food) with kerupuk: crackers. Because of that, there are many home-based industry of crackers. As seen here one of cracker's label from Batam, Riau Island, Sumatra: KERUPUK RAMBAK "JUMBO".

"Jumbo" indicate that these crackers are large-size.
Kerupuk rambak: crackers made from dried buffalo skin which flavoured. Yes, it's true, the inner layer of buffalo skin, dried and drained. 
enak: tasty
gurih: spicy
renyah: intricate
Label silk-screened on thin paper, approx. 100 x 60 mm.

Oct 30, 2010

Invoice of Jewelery Shop

An invoice sheet of jewelery shop "Sakura Mekar: Sakura Bloom" in Batam, Riau, Indonesia. Deliberately made difficult to replicate. Multiple images. Many writings. There are pictures of flowers in the background and the inscription "terima kasih: thank you". And look at the logo at top left and right, it's really unique.
Why use Sakura, a Japanese flower?  Probably considered not essential...

Oct 15, 2010

Props Worship

This unique props are made by a few craftsmen in Indonesia. Used for religious instruction (practice of prayer for Moslem) of primary school children. Consists of various movements of prayer. Profile simple person. A very clear message. Made from plywood. Painted by hand. 

(I am not in intent to sell this thing. I'm just interested to post this unique props. I think it is very unique)

Sep 28, 2010

Bus Ticket #2

Lots of people using bus as transportation, as well as in Indonesia. As shown here, a bus ticket for the route Surabaya - Magelang. Made of thin paper, less print quality and (of course) with a picture of a bus in it. Enjoy travelling by bus!

Aug 24, 2010

Elephant and Tower

To welcome the month of Ramadan, I am posting again sarong's label: Gajah Menara: Elephant and Tower. This one from Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia. As we know, sarong are widely used by Indonesian people to go to the mosque. As a traditional clothing, sarong deemed to have become Muslim identity. Look carefully, I thought it only "tower" related to the mosque. Then why that elephant were selected for label? I knew nothing! Ask the manufacturer's...

Aug 11, 2010

Welcome Ramadhan

Muslims around the world is now entering the month of Ramadan. It also happens in Indonesia. Mosque filled with worshipers every night. Sarong are widely used by Indonesian people to go to the mosque. As a traditional clothing, sarong deemed to have become Muslim identity. This is a sarong's label named Gajah Kelinci: elephant rabbit. There's no fable or myth that connects between sarong with the elephants and rabbits. Then why that two animals were selected? Nobody knows...

Jul 17, 2010

Bandrek - Special Indonesian Drinks

Introducing: BANDREK. A typical beverage from Sukabumi, West Java. Shown here, Bandrek packed ready to drink. Made from coconut extract, served hot and suited to be drunk when it is cold temperature. It's not clear why use pictures of pigeons.  
But really it's delicious hot drink.

Jun 7, 2010

Lump Sugar labelled: TAWON/BEE

Tawon (Bee) for labelling lump sugar. This one from Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. Lump sugar usually used for making teh tubruk: a traditional tea that is not filtered, so there is a grain of tea leaves. This gives sensation is much different than regular tea bags mixed with regular sugar. Label silk-screened on plastic as packaging.

dibikin oleh: made by
sari madu : honey extract
perusahaan gula batu: lump sugar company

Jun 1, 2010

This is Pusaka Banteng not Kratingdaeng (Red Bull)

Temu Lawak (Javanese) means: Curcuma. Temu Lawak is a supplement drink made from extract of curcuma. If Thailand had Kratingdaeng (Red Bull) then Depok, West Java, have a Pusaka Banteng, means: Bull's Heritage.
This drink is usually taken by the hard-working person and those who want to get fit every day. Material consists of: curcuma essence, tartrazine, cyclamate, benzoic, sugar and water, as it's written on the label.
Minuman Segar: fresh drink
Minuman rendah kalori: low calories drink

May 22, 2010

"The Red" Green Tea

Green tea with red-colored product labels.With a spoon image.Instead of making a green colored label, PD. Jembar Sawargi,the manufacturer from Cikalong Bandung West Java, actually make it red. What is the reason? I really don't know

teh hijau: gren tea
sendok: spoon
harum dan segar: fragrant and fresh 
Jembar Sawargi (Sundanese): as broad as heaven

May 20, 2010

Onion for Moslem's Cap

Songkok (indonesian) means: moslem's cap/ skull cap is very popular in Indonesia. Songkok had already become one of the complementary national dress. Moslems also used this cap for praying in the mosque. There are many home-industries that specialize in making the cap. Mostly are hand made. Here seen one of the cap product labels with pictures of onion/garlic. 

songkok exclusive: exclusive moslem's cap 
bawang putih: garlic

Why onion? What's exclusive? What's super? Don't ask me!

Apr 26, 2010

U.F.O. for Plastic Bag

Different from U.S. that used paper bags for wrapping, in Indonesia, plastic bags used for packing groceries. Supermarket, traditional market, and small shops accustomed to using plastic bags for wrapping customer's goods. From veggies to meats. From detergents to bottled waters. From snacks to rice or wheats. Therefore, many specialized companies producing plastic bags. As seen here one of plastic bags labelled: U-F-O. There's maybe a strong reasons to suggest ideas for flying saucer as the product name. Maybe UFO here is an abbreviation of Unidentified Funny Objects.  

Tas Plastik: plastic bag
Ukuran: size
Kuat: strong
Tidak berbau: odorless, not smelly
kualitas terjamin: quality guaranted

Apr 21, 2010

Yield Cigarettes

Forget about the "macho, cowboy, adventure, and freedom-impression" of Marlboro. Forget also another kind of Camel, Pall Mall, Lucky Strike, Ardath, e.t.c. which suggests an adventure for the smoker. 

May I introduce you, Yield Cigarettes!
Ngalah (Javanese) means: yield, give up.
Rokok Dari Idola (Indonesian) means: Idol's Cigarettes; abbreviated to RDI.
Kretek (Javanese) means: no filter.

I do not know for sure what the intent of the manufacturer of this cigarettes. Why made a cigarettes to give the impression of: yield, loose, or give up? What's the reason? What is so interesting from the "loser"? Idol is supposed to be the winners not losers? 

Apr 12, 2010

Coffee Cat

Attention: "Coffee Cat" not "Copy Cat".
Cat's head for a coffee product labels. Screen printed on plastic as packaging. With yellow and dark brown colors reflect a delicious coffee.This unique one is from Palembang, South Sumatra. What Super? "Super" mean coffee may taste very steady.  

100% asli: 100% pure coffee
Kopi Bubuk: coffee powder (milled coffee).
Bintang: star
Kepala Kucing: cat's head.
Mencong: oblique (?), is the name of the manufacturer.

Apr 8, 2010

Toothbrush for String/Yarn

String/Yarn product with pictorial label: toothbrush. Produced by Lie Fung from Surabaya, East Java. A very interesting here is "Why the toothbrush  used to label products of string?" "What is the relationship between toothbrush with string?"  There are many products in Indonesia that used "no relationship images". Very unique and funny. 
Benang / Tali Djaring : String/ Yarn
Sikat Gigi: Toothbrush

Mar 30, 2010

Grandma Selling Fantastic Food

This photo was taken by Tarsisius Wintoro, my fellow friend founder of  JAPEMETHE COMMUNITY, in traditional market near Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Central Java (in December 2009).  
There are many fantastic food with unique taste and served in traditional way. This "Incredile Grandma" was selling TEMPE BACEM. Although she was too old she do not want to let sit and stand idle. She was a hard working grandma.
TEMPE BACEM is a kind of Javanese traditional food made from fried soy beans with spiced sugar. It's will (truly!) leave a fantastic taste in your mouth. If you have a visit to Yogyakarta you should try it. Feel the uniqueness and the hospitality of Yogyakarta.

Mar 25, 2010

Poster "Ojo Doemeh"

This poster was a modified version of a cover of coloring books for elementary school in the 1970's. The condition was full of dirty streaks. After recovered, it will be a poster about Wayang.
Ojo Doemeh (Javanese) means "Don't be Selfish".

source: Facebook @ Daniel Supriyono.

Mar 18, 2010

Tahu "POO" dari Kediri - Tofu "POO" from Kediri

Tofu "POO" has become a specialty of the town of Kediri, East Java, for a long time. It was tasty, and flexibility that can be served with a variety of menus has made people like it.
Label screen-printed on paper with a picture of a woman was carrying a plate full of tofu. Profile shows a modern woman, as well as tofu "POO" created with modern and easy way of cooking. Also written here "how to cook this". Very interesting and unique.
Tahu (Indonesian) means Tofu.
Sari Lezat (Indonesian) means delicious extract.
Simpan di dalam lemari es dan dapat digoreng langsung (Indonesian) means store in the refrigerator and it can be direct-fried.

Mar 10, 2010

Plastic Ants


Ants for plastic label. With cartoon-style drawings. Ants maybe used so that the plastic packaging is free of ants. Because this plastic usually used for wrapping sugar. Very funny. Found in Malang, East Java.
"Semut Hitam" means Black Ant (but not 'black' in that pictures).

Turkey for Noodle

Turkey for Mie Telor (egg noodles). The pictures on this label may be influenced by Western culture. Chef with a distinctive hat and turkey (kalkun). As we know, the turkey is rarely for menu in Indonesia. Few are those who raise turkeys for cultivated. Because there's no Thanks Giving Day tradition. Written at the bottom: "serba guna mudah sekali memasaknya" means: versatile and easy to cook.  
Screen printing on paper as a label. What do you think?

Mar 9, 2010

Bipang Gaya Baru - Bipang New Style

Bipang is a kind of snack made from fried glutinuous rice. Found in East Java, around Pasuruan.

What is the relation between "anchor" and this sticky rice snack? 
And the "New Style" tag? What kind of style that extremely new?

Gaya Baru (Indonesian) means New Style.

Feb 12, 2010

Wayang for "Klethak Klethik"

Klethak Klethik (Javanese) or Kudapan (Indonesian) means: snacks or hors d'oeuvre. This food production created by the "Taman Kuliner : Garden Cuisine" based in Yogyakarta, Central Java. Most are dry foods wrapped in plastic. Some kind of fried corn and sweet potatoes.  
Puppet figure here printed on sticker. Then attached to the packaging. Characters here 'if not wrong' is Gatotkaca. One of famous puppet characters. You can see here, Gatotkaca holds a kind of  cup with a hot stuff in it. Do you see the smoke? Under his mouth. I mean 'that' hatching...
What do you think? Very Indonesian isn't it?

Feb 10, 2010

Jasmine Tea: Pendawa Lima

This tea is very popular especially in Central Java such as Yogyakarta, Semarang, Magelang, etc. Pendawa Lima (The Pandawa Five) is legendary leather-puppet (Wayang Kulit) characters. They are good figures. Role prayer. Bhima, Arjuna, Yudhistira and the twins Nakula and Sadewa always against villains from the Kauravas. Traditional Javanese people like to reflect their lives with this Pendawa figures. As a way of life.

Jan 25, 2010

Teh Naga Super

"Teh Naga Super": "Dragon Tea Super"

An interesting and unique of this label is the selection of the Dragon figure as a trademark.
As we know, dragon is the imaginative animal from China, not from Lawang, East Java as it's written in this package. 

Are dragons like to drink tea, thus selected as the label? Or by drinking this tea you will become as strong as a dragon? Anyway this is a truly unique tea label.

Screen printing on a paper as packaging.

Jan 22, 2010

Various Graphic Label: Wingko Babad

These are 3 graphics design for Wingko Babad
Wingko Babad is typical food from Semarang, Central Java, made of glutinous rice and coconut. 
As seen here a picture of rail station -possibly because these snacks sold at many train stations- and there is also the silhouette of a Javanese's traditional house (joglo) that show the impression of Taman Sari (the royal family's garden palace).
Screen printing on paper as a packaging.

Jan 21, 2010

Bus Ticket #1

Bus ticket for route Surabaya - Malang, East Java. Here we can see simple message and simple picture as well (see picture of the bus). There are no similarity with everyday-life bus. A Toyota? Not by a long shot. Ford? Far from it. Mitsubishi? Not at all.

P.O. HAFANA - HAFANA autobus company
Bus Cepat Terbatas - a limited bus route.

Jan 19, 2010

Hawai in Harvest

Packing label for maizena named "Hawai in Harvest". 

Here are pictures of people wearing a peci (Indonesian cap) and caping (traditional hat, like Vietnam hat). 
Why named Hawai? As you see, these are profile of Indonesian peoples, not Hawaiian.
I do not find any relevance between the image profiles of Indonesian, maizena, and Hawaii. But I think its funny & unique.

Jan 13, 2010

Some Food Labels from Padang, West Sumatra

Some food labels from Padang, West Sumatra.
As we know a lot of Padangese migrate to Java and then they open many famous restaurant with their unique spice.
Spice with a lot of chilis and, of course, it's very "hot".
Rendang (curry) is the famous menu.
Labels screen printed on HVS, except photo in the middle: only stamped.

Jan 3, 2010

Graphics Label for Lunpia, A Specific Indonesian Food

"Lunpia Mataram Bang Herman."
1) Lunpia is a kind of fried snacks.
Made from flour dough rolled up with the contents of bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, chicken and carrots. Ordinary served with hot tea. It's a typical food from Semarang, Central Java. 2) Mataram is the area of origin Lunpia. 3) Bang Herman was the cook or the owner.
It says here: "Jangan keliru ini yang asli" means: "Do not be mistaken this is the original". What guarantee? There is no hologram, there is also no original sticker. That means anyone can print these labels very easily. And that women just look sad, with her red dress. Why?

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